Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2003:
Ivan Šprajc

Archaeological Reconnaissance in Southeastern Campeche, México: 2002 Field Season Report
With Appendices by Daniel Juárez Cossío and Adrián Baker Pedroza, and Nikolai Grube
Vea este informe en Español.

Figure 17. Balakbal, Structure V, looking south along the passage connecting north and south rooms; Stela 2 is on the left (cf. Ruppert and Denison 1943: pl. 16d).

Research Year:  2002
Culture:  Maya
Chronology:  Classic
Location:  Campeche, México
Sites:  Various

Table of Contents

Comments on Particular Sites
El Mameyal
La Victoria
Altar de los Reyes
El Chismito
Los Tambores
Other sites
Concluding Remarks
List of Figures
Appendix 1: Emergency consolidation works at Mucaancah  by Daniel Juárez Cossío and Adrián Baker Pedroza
Appendix 2: Epigraphic Analysis of Altar 3 of Altar de los Reyes  by Nikolai Grube
Sources Cited


The project represented the fourth season of reconnaissance works in an archaeologically little known region of central Maya Lowlands. Several formerly unknown archaeological sites were surveyed in the southeastern part of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve and in the adjacent region to the east, and two large sites reported by Karl Ruppert’s expeditions in 1930s were reexamined. The location and basic characteristics of the sites, mainly pertaining to the Classic period, were recorded and some surface pottery was collected. At Altar de los Reyes, a major urban center, two main architectural complexes were mapped and some interesting sculpted monuments were found, including an extraordinary altar with a series of emblem glyphs.


El proyecto representó la cuarta temporada de trabajos de reconocimiento en una región arqueológicamente poco conocida de las tierras bajas mayas centrales. Inspeccionamos varios sitios arqueológicos previamente desconocidos en la parte sureste de la Reserva de la Biósfera de Calakmul y en la región adyacente hacia el este, y reexaminamos dos sitios grandes reportados por las expediciones de Karl Ruppert en la década de 1930. En los sitios, que en su mayoría pertenecen al período Clásico, se documentó la ubicación de los mismos y sus características básicas, y se recolectó la cerámica de superficie. En Altar de los Reyes, un centro urbano importante, realizamos el levantamiento topográfico de dos complejos arquitectónicos principales; asimismo encontramos interesantes monumentos esculpidos, entre ellos un extraordinario altar con una serie de glifos emblema.

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Archaeological Reconnaissance in Southeastern Campeche, México: 2002 Field Season Report  (928 KB)

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Submitted 03/10/2003 by:

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