Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2007:
Manuel Malchic Nicolás

Travel to Austin Texas, 2004 Maya Meetings
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FAMSI is pleased to have provided funds to assist Mr. Malchic Nicolás, a linguistics student in Guatemala, with his travel expenses to attend the 2004 Maya Hieroglyphic Forum (Maya Meetings) in Austin, Texas.

Since 1977, The Maya Meetings at Texas have been at the cutting edge of research into the fascinating culture of the ancient Maya of Mexico and Central America. This annual six-day conference draws scholars from a wide spectrum of relevant fields, as well as interested non-professionals, to interact creatively and share the most recent insights on Maya and Mesoamerican research through lectures, teaching practica, and "think-tank" style research workshops.

For additional information regarding the Maya Meetings please visit:

Submitted 01/10/2007 by:
Manuel Malchic Nicolás

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