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The Mayan Calendar, Solar - Agricultural Year, and Correlation Questions

Appendix 5:   The Relationship between the Ah Cuch Haaboob and the Christian Year

While the Books of Chilam Balam show some confusion concerning the relationship between the Ah Cuch Haaboob and the Christian year, when all the various pieces of data are taken together it is clear, and has been clear for some time, that the Ah Cuch Haaboob as given above in the table U Buk Xoc Ahau Katun are the correct ones. Thus, for example, according to the table the Ah Cuch Haab 6 Cauac fell in 1560. It follows from the 52 year cycle, U Bubukil Haaboob, that the next year, 7 Kan, fell in 1561, that the year after, 8 Muluc, fell in 1562, etc. through 52 years, at which point the Ah Cuch Haab 6 Cauac would come again in the year 1612. Of course, this information is only good to place U Bubukil Haaboob, and thus the Ah Cuch Haaboob, within the context of the Christian calendar, but does nothing to fix such things as the katuns to the Christian calendar.

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