Archaeological Survey in the Coastal Chontalpa de Oaxaca, México
Vea este informe en Español.

Research Year: 2001
Culture: Chontales
Chronology: Classic to Late Post Classic
Location: Oaxaca, México
Site: Chontalpa
Table of Contents
PARH Survey
Diagnostic Pottery
The Prehispanic Settlement of Huamelula
RH07 El GuapoteAncient Aztatlan?
Classic Period Political Landscape
The Postclassic Political Situation at the Río Huamelula
Conclusion: Settlement Continuity and Chontal Identity
List of Figures
Sources Cited
Contrary to traditional stereotypes of the prehispanic culture of the Chontales de Oaxaca, architectural sites and artifacts at the Pacific coast indicate that there were more complex societies, well integrated into southeastern Mesoamerican networks of sociocultural, economic and political interaction. This report presents the results of surface survey and test excavation at the Río Huamelula, District of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, and discusses the sociocultural context of the archaeological record from the Classic to the Late Postclassic periods.
Contrastando los estereotipos tradicionales acerca de la cultura prehispánica de los chontales de Oaxaca, los vestigios arquitectónicos y artefactos hallados en la costa del Pacífico revelan sociedades más complejas y bien integradas en las redes de interacción sociocultural, económica y política del sureste de Mesoamérica. En este informe se presentan los datos obtenidos en los recorridos de superficie y las excavaciones de sondeo en el valle del río Huamelula, Distrito de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, y se discute el contexto sociocultural de los vestigios arqueológicos desde el período Clásico hasta el Posclásico Tardío.
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Archaeological Survey in the Coastal Chontalpa de Oaxaca, México (978 KB)
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Submitted 12/04/2002 by:
Department of Anthropology
University at AlbanySUNY