Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2004:
Barbara Arroyo and Luisa Escobar

Edwin M. Shook Archival Collection, Guatemala City, Guatemala

List of Figures

Figure   1.  View of items in the Edwin M. Shook archive prior to intervention.
Figure   2.  View of some items that have been properly housed after intervention.
Figure   3.  Photograph of Stela 2 from Ceibal, Sayaxché, Petén.
Figure   4.  Woman at Chichén Itzá.
Figure   5.  Photography of polychrome Chama-style vessel from the Dieseldorff collection housed at Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología, Guatemala City, Guatemala.
Figure   6.  Photograph of Stela A at Copán.
Figure   7.  View of Copán ball court.
Figure   8.  Photograph of Dr. Edwin M. Shook at Tikal project camp (1957).
Figure   9.  Dos Pilas hieroglyphic stairway.
Figure 10.  Excavations in progress at Kaminaljuyú.
Figure 11.  Mound at Kaminaljuyú with Edwin M. Shook, Gustavo Espinoza and J.B. Ford on top on February 23, 1967.
Figure 12.  Kaminaljuyú Stela currently housed at the Minondo private collection, Guatemala.
Figure 13.  La Blanca, San Marcos, Mound 1 being destroyed for the construction of the main road (1973).
Figure 14.  View of Río La Pasión, Petén.
Figure 15.  Kayoa (lacandón) next to Carl Frey and Giles Greville Healey.
Figure 16.  View of El Palacio at Palenque, Chiapas, México. Photograph by Alfred Ayotte.
Figure 17.  View of Temple of the Cross, Palenque, Chiapas, México. Photograph by Alfred Ayotte.
Figure 18.  View of river in Petén, Guatemala.
Figure 19.  Piedras Negras Panel 3, commemorating the designation of the royal heir by Ruler 4, AD 757.
Figure 20.  Reconstruction drawing of Piedras Negras temple by Tatiana Proskouriakoff.
Figure 21.  View of market at San Pedro Sacatepéquez, Guatemala. January 21, 1942.
Figure 22.  Hieroglyphic stairway from Tamarindito. This stairway was looted and only few fragments remain at the site.
Figure 23.  View of Temple II, Tikal, Guatemala.
Figure 24.  View of excavations of Structure E-VII from Uaxactún.
Figure 25.  View of Structure E-VII East side from Uaxactún (credit: Peabody Museum, 1934).
Figure 26.  Reconstruction drawing of Structure A-V, drawn by Tatiana Proskouriakoff 1950.
Figure 27.  Aerial view of Uaxactún prior to excavations.
Figure 28.  View of Usumacinta river, Petén.
Figure 29.  View of Usumacinta river, Petén.
Figure 30.  Watercolor by Antonio Tejeda of black slipped bowl with fluted decorations (Quetzaltenango, Guatemala).
Figure 31.  Watercolor by Antonio Tejeda of brown tecomate with zig zag incised decorations (Quetzaltenango, Guatemala).
Figure 32.  Watercolor by Antonio Tejeda of effigy bowl with two handles (Quetzaltenango, Guatemala).
Figure 33.  Watercolor by Antonio Tejeda of shoe pot with animal effigy (Terminal Classic or Postclassic from Quetzaltenango, Guatemala).
Figure 34.  Watercolor by Antonio Tejeda of plain shoe pot (Terminal Classic or Postclassic from Quetzaltenango, Guatemala).
Figure 35.  Watercolor by Antonio Tejeda of brown black slipped bowl (Quetzaltenango, Guatemala).
Figure 36.  Watercolor by Antonio Tejeda of effigy bowl with tripod mammiform supports (Protoclassic, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala).
Figure 37.  Watercolor by Antonio Tejeda of cylindrical tripod vessel (showing Teotihuacán influence, Classic period, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala).
Figure 38.  Watercolor by Antonio Tejeda of mammiform support plate (Quetzaltenango, Guatemala).
Figure 39.  Watercolor by Antonio Tejeda of shoe pot with two zoomorphic effigies (Terminal Classic or Postclassic, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala).
Figure 40.  Watercolor by Antonio Tejeda of zoomorphic effigy vessel.

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