Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2006:
Elin C. Danien

PAINTINGS OF MAYA POTTERY: The Art and Career of M. Louise Baker
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Figure S-1. MLB working on the Luna vessel, in the offices of Oliver Ricketson, Carnegie Institution of Washington, in Guatemala City. 1931.

Research Year:  2004
Culture:  Maya
Chronology:  Contemporary
Location:  Mesoamerica
Sites:  Various

Table of Contents

Central America
Piedras Negras Lintel 3
List of Figures
Sources Cited


During her lifetime, M. Louise Baker (1872-1962) was recognized as the preeminent artist for archaeological illustration. Her paintings of Maya pottery were featured in the folio volumes, Examples of Maya pottery in the Museum and other collections; edited by G. B. Gordon (volume I) and J. Alden Mason (volumes II and III), published by the University of Pennsylvania Museum between 1925 and 1943.  That publication, which featured 36 of her paintings, has long been out of print, and many of her other paintings of Maya vessels have never been published. This project brings together for the first time, for the use of Mayanists, all 109 water colors and 45 ink drawings, in a manner that, it is hoped, will further the interpretation and understanding of Maya iconography as it is revealed in its ceramics.


Durante su vida, M. Louise Baker (1872-1962) fue considerada la artista preeminente en la ilustración de objetos arqueológicos. Sus pinturas de cerámica maya fueron publicadas en Examples of Maya pottery in the Museum and other collections, redacción por G. B. Gordon, (volumen I) y J. Alden Mason (volumenes II y III), publicado por el Museo de la Universidad de Pennsylvania entre 1925 y 1943. Aquella publicación presentó solamente 36 de sus pinturas, y ya por muchos años ha sido agotada. Muchas de sus otras pinturas nunca han sido publicadas. Este proyecto, por primera vez, presenta todas sus 109 acuarelas y 45 tintas, en una manera que hará posible mejorar la interpretación y comprensión de la iconografía maya como revelada a través de su cerámica.

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Submitted 08/16/2006 by:

Research Associate
University of Pennsylvania
Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

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