Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2007:
Jon C. Lohse

In Search of the Preceramic: 2006 Season Investigations at Actun Halal, Belize
With contributions by: Lisa LeCount, John G. Jones, Tim Beach, and Ashley Hallock

Figure 3. Views into Actun Halal from Entrance 1 (left) and Entrance 2 (right).
Click on image to enlarge.

Research Year:  2006
Culture:  Maya
Chronology:  Late Archaic to Terminal Classic
Location:  Cayo District, Belize
Site:  Actun Halal

Table of Contents

Pre-Maya Chronology
The Actun Halal Site and Prior Research
2006 Season Excavations
Dating Actun Halal
Paleoenvironmental Evidence
Sources Cited
Appendix A. Geoarchaeology of Actun Halal Cave in Western Belize
by Tim Beach, Georgetown University
Appendix B. The Ceramics of Actun Halal
by Lisa J. LeCount, University of Alabama
Appendix C. Analysis of Fossil Pollen from Actun Halal, Belize
by John G. Jones and Ashley Hallock, Washington State University


Excavations in the shallow cave site of Actun Halal in western Belize recovered evidence for a well-defined Late Archaic stratum dating from ca. 2400-1200 B.C.E. Within this stratum, two distinct components are indicated. Pollen data provide evidence for Late Archaic maize and cotton horticulture and also for possible ritual use of the cave by pre-Maya peoples. Ceramic recoveries reveal extended Maya use from the Middle Preclassic through Late Classic and into the Terminal Classic. Though earlier excavations had reported late Pleistocene fauna and associated artifacts, this question remains unresolved at present.


En las excavaciones realizadas en Actun Halal, un sitio arqueológico localizado en una cueva de profundidad baja en el occidente de Belice, se descubrió evidencia para un estrato bien definido con la fecha temprana de 2400-1200 A.E.C. Adentro de este estrato, se indican dos componentes distintos. Los datos del polen provee evidencia para la horticultura de maíz y algodón en el Arcaico Tardío, y además para el uso posible de ritual por gente más antiguo de los mayas. La cerámica recuperada indica el uso de la cueva desde el Preclásico Medio temprano hasta el Clásico Tardío, y posiblemente hasta el Clásico Terminal. Anteriormente han reportaron índices de fauna con artefactos asociados del Pleistoceno tardío, pero esta cuestión se queda sin evidencia directa para ahora.

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In Search of the Preceramic: 2006 Season Investigations at Actun Halal, Belize  (2.44 MB)

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Submitted 08/13/2007 by:
Jon C. Lohse
Center for Archaeological Studies
Texas State University
San Marcos, Texas

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