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The Mayan Calendar, Solar - Agricultural Year, and Correlation Questions

Appendix 1:   The complete text on lines A601-A614 is as follows:

a600    Zac Patay Haabil
He ix Ahau bin tac te lae tu uudz katun lae.
Lay licil u naatabal u cumtal katun lae;
Cauac tu hunte Poop u ah cuch haab
yahal cab tu caten u kinil haab lae.
a605 U cultal Ahau Katun lae
tu pach u kinil Cauac tu kaba ix cu cultal.
Ma tuzbili.
Hun hunkal haab u cuchoob hun huntul Ahau Katun,
he tun canppel ixma kaba haaboob.
Licil u baxal hoppel haabi yetel Cauace,
a610 bacac ix ti lic u cultal katunie tu kin Kan.
Licil u yalic u kaba yetel u than tulacal.
Bay hoppel kin ixma kabae amal haabe.
Bay ix amal u hidzil katunoob lae
hoppel haab u baxal u mol box katun lae.
a600 Zac Patay Haabil55
Here is Ahau which will come at the fold of the katun.
Thus is to be understood the seating of the katun;
Cauac on 1 Poop is the Ah Cuch Haab
which dawns again as the day of the year.
a605 The Ahau Katun is seated
(the day) after the day which is called Cauac is seated.
This is not a lie.
Twenty years is the burden of one Ahau Katun,
but then (there are) four nameless years.
The fifth year comes into play with (the year) Cauac,
a610 even though the katun is seated on the day Kan.56
Its name and all its power is called upon.
Thus there are five nameless days every year.
Thus every time there is the end of the katuns
five years come into play with the U Mol Box Katun.


  1. The meaning of this phrase is unclear. Zac means "white" but can also mean "false" or "imperfect". Patay is unregistered, but pat can mean "to declare", "to even accounts", and "to invent", among other meanings. Haabil means "year". There are four examples of this phrase in the Books of Chilam Balam. Barrera translates Zac Patay Haabil as "años esteriles". I am inclined to think that at least here in this context Zac Patay Haabil means "false / imperfect year reckoning".
  1. There is no justification for this statement given the rest of the information provided here. Perhaps reference is being made to U Bubukil Haaboob, which does begin with the year 1 Kan.

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