Kaminaljuyú Archaeological Project: A Study of the Ancient City of the Southern Guatemalan Highlands: New Perspectives
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Research Year: 1998
Culture: Maya
Chronology: Pre-Classic
Location: Kaminaljuyú, Guatemala
Site: Kaminaljuyú
Table of Contents
Changes from the original proposal
General Characteristics
Specific characteristics
List of Figures
Sources Cited
The Kaminaljuyú Archaeological Project was carried out with FAMSI funds from July 1, 1998 until January 22, 1999. This period exceeds the time included in the original proposal due basically to the enormous amount of material that had to be processed. Two archaeology students and two workers were hired to do the lab work. All the lab work was supervised by the applicant during the period mentioned above.
Even though there was information available about the location and conditions for the material, there were too many bags with quantities of cultural remains that needed to be rebagged and relabeled. Besides, the cultural materials that were compiled and synthesized had come from the rescue projects Kaminaljuyú Villas de San Juan (Quinta Samayoa), Kaminaljuyú Villas de Miraflores I and Mound D-III-10. Even though not all of the proposed materials were analyzed, the main goals and objectives of the project were met regarding the economic and social organization during the Preclassic period.
Changes from the original proposal
A change was made from the original proposal to the study of cultural materials due to unconsidered external circumstances. This has to do with the materials from the rescue projects Majadas and Villas del Rosario. Since the Majadas and Villas del Rosario materials were transformed to a different locality by the Institute personnel as part of a plan to relocate cultural materials "sorted" by provenience I selected the cultural materials from the rescue project Mound D-III-10 to be analyzed instead. The movement of the materials resulted in a difficult task to follow since the purposes were quite different. Then I selected the material from the rescue project mound D-III-10, since I was part of the team who worked in the rescue operation. It was considered that this material was also part of the process of materials from Kaminaljuyú that need to be analyzed. Besides the material was more accessible and was ready to be analyzed.
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Kaminaljuyú Archaeological Project: A Study of the Ancient City of the Southern Guatemalan Highlands: New Perspectives (317 KB)
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Submitted 03/01/1999 by:
Erick Ponciano