Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2001:
David Bolles
  Combined Dictionary–Concordance of the Yucatecan Mayan Language
Update posted 6-16-03

Kan pach – Kanbul

Kan pach: almohadilla que se pone debajo de la carga. (sfm)

Kan pachen: descolorido de miedo o por alguna enfermedad. (mtm)

Kan Pauahtun Chac db) see Kan Pauahtun above.
rb050.008 tahlahteex u lubul bin pach caan nohol tu hol yotoch
      kan pauahtun chac

Kan Pauahtun db) an alternative name for one of the bacabs, the four deities stationed at the four world-quarters. They were sky bearers and apparently had other functions as well. The bacabs are also related to the four days which begin the Mayan year, Kan, Muluc, Hiix, and Cauac, which in turn are related to the four world directions. The bacabs have various alternative names which are as follows: for the year Kan (to the east): Ah Can Tzic Nal, Chacal Bacab, Chac Pauahtun, Chac Xib Chac; for the year Muluc (to the north): Ah Zac Dziu, Zacal Bacab, Zac Pauahtun, Zac Xib Chac; for the year Hiix (to the west): Ah Can Ek, Ekel Bacab, Ek Pauahtun, Ek Xib Chac; for the year Cauac (to the south): Hobnil, Kan Bacab, Kan Pauahtun, Kan Xib Chac. However, in the Landa discussion below it will be noted that Kan is aligned with the south / yellow, Muluc is aligned with east / red, Hiix is aligned with the north / white, and Cauac is aligned with the west / black. This shift in alignment is probably due to the fact that Landa mistakenly placed the Kan (yellow) deities in the year Kan, and thus shifted all the year bearers clockwise one quadrant.
Landa/Rel/62-63: La primera, pues, de las letras dominicales es Kan (Cauac). El año que esta letra servía era el agüero del Bacab que por otros nombres llaman Hobnil, Kanalbacab (Kanal Bacab), Kanpauahtun (Kan Pauahtun), Kanxibchac (Kan Xib Chac). A este le señalaban a la de medio día. La segunda letra es Muluc (Kan); señalabanla al oriente y su año era agüero del Bacab que llaman Canzienal (Ah Can Tzic Nal), Chacalbacab (Chacal Bacab), Chacpauahtun (Chac Pauahtun), Chacxibchac (Chac Xib Chac). La tercera letra es Ix (Muluc). Su año era agüero del Bacab que llaman Zaczini (Ah Zac Dziu?), Zacalbacab (Zacal Bacab), Zacpauahtun (Zac Pauahtun), Zacxibchac (Zac Xib Chac) y señalabanle a la parte del norte. La cuatra letra es Cauac (Hiix): su año era agüero del Bacab que llaman Hozanek (Ah Can Ek?, Ah Ho Chan Ek?), Ekelbacab (Ekel Bacab), Ekpauahtun (Ek Pauahtun), Ekxibchac (Ek Xib Chac); a esta señalaban a la parte del poniente.
rb035.002 piccħinteex pach caan nohol tu hol yotoch
      kan pauahtun
rb050.008 tahlahteex u lubul bin pach caan nohol tu hol yotoch
      kan pauahtun chac
rr083 cu lubul in than ti kan pauahtun
rr355 oxtezcuntabac cu lubul in than ti kan pauahtun
rv019 ti yax pauahtun, ti chac pauahtun, ti kan pauahtun,
       ti ek pauahtun

Kan pedz kin db) perhaps an alternative spelling of kan pet kin. See kan pet kin below.
Roys/Bac/135: Kanpedzkin. E. May considers this a more correct form for the kanpetkin-wasp (letter, E. W. Andrews). (MS pp. 134, 137).
rb134.001 kan pedz kin tu pol uinic

Kan pet kin db) lit.: yellow round sun: a type of wasp. See also kanpetkin, kan pedz kin.
ebm) kanpetkin, or kanal. An insect resembling the holon, yellow and larger. Their nests are constructed in a round flat shape.
Roys/Bac/114: Akab-tok ("dark-flint"). Presumed to be a plant name; akab and tok are elements in known plant names. Cited in an incantation for kanpedzkin (a wasp?) at the head of a man. (MS p. 137).
Roys/Bac/116: Chac-topplah-kak ("red-budding-fire") or "-eruption"). Many plants are named for the disease they cure. Cited in an incantation for a complaint called kanpedzkin (a wasp?) at the head of a man (MS p. 137).
Roys/Bac/118: Dzoc ("end," "to finish"). I do not find this elsewhere but we are reminded of the kan-dzocob, a palm. The red dzoc and the white dzoc are stated to be trees or bushes in an incantation for kanpedzkin (a wasp?) at the head of a man (MS p. 139).
Roys/Bac/118: Dzuto, or dzubto. Cited by Pío Pérez, 1898. Its leaves are poulticed on bites of reptiles (Roys, Ethno-Botany, 315). Cited in an incantation for kanpedzkin (a wasp?) at the head of a man (MS p. 134).
Roys/Bac/118: Habin. Piccidia communis (Blake) Harms. A large tree with a strong, heavy wood. The bark is used for stupefying fish (Standl.). Decoctions of the leaves are prescribed for asthma, fever, and ring-worm (Roys, Ethno-Botany, 242). Cited in incantations for kanpedzkin-poisoning and a worm in the tooth (MS pp. 141, 164).
Roys/Bac/119: Hol. Hibiscus clypeatus, L,. or possibly H. tiliaceus. It is a tree, the bark of which is used for cordage (Motul Dict.). The hol is cited in incantations for kanpedzkin (a wasp?) at the head of a man, and for a worm in the tooth (MS pp. 138, 163).
Roys/Bac/119: Holom-kak, or x-holom-kak, "holom-insect-eruption" or "-fire." A medicinal plant (P.P., 1898). Cited in incantations for kanpedzkin at the head of a man and for making a fire burn (MS p. 137, 154).
Roys/Bac/119: Ic. Capsicum annuum, L. Used for skin eruptions or blistering (Standl.) Maya manuscripts prescribe it for phthisis, delayed parturition, blood in the stools or urine, vomiting blood, and other ailments (Roys, Ethno-Botany, 247). Cited in an incantation for kanpedzkin (a wasp?) at the head of a man (MS p. 134).
Roys/Bac/125: Soh, or sooh. Gossypium religiosum, L. (Standl.). The word can also mean "dry." It is cited in an incantation for what is called kanpedzkin, possibly a certain wasp, at the head of a man (MS p. 137).
Roys/Bac/130: Bobote. Apparently the name of a certain wasp, for there is a reference to its nest and it is associated with the kanpetkin-wasp (Roys, Ethno-Botany, 139). It is also the name of a certain eruption (MS p. 103).
Roys/Bac/135: Kanpedzkin. E. May considers this a more correct form for the kanpetkin-wasp (letter, E. W. Andrews). (MS pp. 134, 137).
Roys/Bac/135: Kanpetkin ("yellow-round-sun" or "yellow-round-kin-insect"). A large yellow wasp with a painful sting. It produces a round, flat comb (Pacheco Cruz, Diccionario de la fauna yucateca, 156). Cited in incantations for kanpetkin-seizure and other seizures (MS pp. 46, 48, 55, 57, 86); also for kanpetkin-poisoning (MS pp. 138-40, 143).
Roys/Bac/133: Cħel. Cyanocita yucatanica, Dubois (Proc. Zool, Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 446), a jay. It was also the patronymic of the ruling family of Ah Kin Ch'el. Cited in an incantation for kanpetkin-wasp-seizure (MS p. 61).
Roys/Bac/135: Kanpetkin ("yellow-round-sun" or "yellow-round-kin-insect"). A large yellow wasp with a painful sting. It produces a round, flat comb (Pacheco Cruz, Diccionario de la fauna yucateca, 156). Cited in incantations for kanpetkin-seizure and other seizures (MS pp. 46, 48, 55, 57, 86); also for kanpetkin-poisoning (MS pp. 138-40, 143).
Roys/Eth/136: Kanpetkin. A certain yellow wasp or hornet what makes a round flat nest.
mr058.001 u chibal kan pet kin
mr271.002 ua yan puh tu nie,
      ca a cħa u lab otoch h- kanpetkin
mr277.007 bay lahlic u pak kanpetkine ti yotoche
      caten ua oxten
mr363.004 u pak kanpetkin yetel hocħ
rb046.009 u thanil kan pet kin tancaz lae, u pedziloob lae
rb048.007 kan pet kin tancaze, chacal kanale,
      chacal tup chace, chacal xanab chace
rb053.012 ti ul bacin kan pet kin tancaz
rb054.007 yal bin ah co tancaz, kan pet kin tancaz
rb055.009 ti ul bacin kan pet kin tancaze
rb057.001 yal kan pet kin tancaze
rb057.010 ti tu cħaah u kinami kan pet kin tancaze
rb085.013 chacal kan pet kin, zacal kan pet kin,
rb085.014 ekel kan pet kin, kanal kan pet kin
rb138.001 chacal kan pet kin, zacal kan pet kin
rb139.001 cech chacal kan pet kine, zacal kan pet kine
rb140.006 u thanil kan pet kin yah lae
rb143.002 kan pet kin yah

Kan pet kin db) in plant names:
ebm) kanpetkin. This vine takes its name from a red pustule which comes on a woman's nipple, and which is called kanpetkin.

Kan pet kin tancaz
rb046.009 u thanil kan pet kin tancaz lae, u pedziloob lae
rb048.007 kan pet kin tancaze, chacal kanale,
      chacal tup chace, chacal xanab chace
rb053.012 ti ul bacin kan pet kin tancaz
rb054.007 yal bin ah co tancaz, kan pet kin tancaz
rb055.009 ti ul bacin kan pet kin tancaze
rb057.001 yal kan pet kin tancaze
rb057.010 ti tu cħaah u kinami kan pet kin tancaze

Kan piben vns) Ateriçiado en el color: kan tzahen, kan pilen. Neut[r]o: kan tzaenhal.

Kan pilen vns) Ateriçiado en el color: kan tzahen, kan pilen. Neut[r]o: kan tzaenhal.

Kan poc
rb163.003 chacal ix kan poc, chacal ix ma lau

Kan pocob
Roys/Bac/120: Kan-pocob ("yellow-" or "cord-pocob"). Apparently a play on the word ppoc, which can mean to bend something in a circle, like a crown or wreath. The kan-pocob is said to (be) a binder of an arbor in an incantation (MS p. 49).
vb049.001 kan dzutob, kan pocob u kax u dzulbal
      uchci u zihile

Kan pocol che nel) duranta repens l. - verbe.: hombocoche, kanpocolche, xcanbocoche, xcanpocolche (celosa, violentina) -- med., mel.
Roys/Bac/121: Kan-pocol-che (or kan-pokol-che). Durante repens, L., a spiny shrub. the wood is said to be medium hard, and the leaves were used in making ink (Vienna Dict., f. 18r.). Here the kan-pocol-che is cited in an incantation for a worm in the tooth (MS p. 163).
vns) Árboles cuias ojas son buenas para haçer tinta: pakal, kan pocol che.
mr260.002 caxant u xiuiloob kanchikin che, kan pokolche,
      mucuy che,
rb163.003 chacal ix kan poc, chacal ix ma lau

Kan pokol che ebl) duranta plumieri jacq. kan-pokol-che.
ebm) kan-pokol-che. duranta plumieri jacq. machaonia lindeniana baill.? described as a shrub or tree, often armed with spines.

Kan pokol kum nel) caesalpinia yucatanensis greenman - legum.: kanpokolkum, takinche, xkanpokolkum -- mel.

Kan pokolche
ebl) duranta plumieri jacq. kan-pokol-che.
ebm) kan-pokol-che. duranta plumieri jacq. machaonia lindeniana baill.? described as a shrub or tree, often armed with spines.
vns) Árboles cuias ojas son buenas para haçer tinta: pakal, kan pocol che.
mr260.002 caxant u xiuiloob kanchikin che, kan pokolche,
      mucuy che,

Kan poz ich vns) Abuado, descolorido: cen ich .l. can poz ich.

Kan puk im nel) callicarpa sp. - verbe.: kanpukim -- med.

Kan taan ebm) kantaan, or kataan. the pompano or palometa.

Kan tab: cosa vn poco salada, o que no ha acabada de tomar la sal. (mtm)

Kan Tacay ebl) ix-tacay. Myiozetetes similis superciliosus Bonaparte. Mexican large-billed tyrant. Couch's kingbird.
Roys/Bac/140: Ix tacay. Myozetes similis superciliosis, Bonaparte. Mexican large-billed tyrant, Couch's kingbird (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard [1916], Vol. L, p. 133). In an incantation for a certain wasp-seizure we read of "8,000 tacay-birds" (MS pp. 47, 61). In another, we find it cited for the placenta (MS p. 179).
h005 kan tacay u kaba u chun u uinicil Ah Pucte
rb050.004 chac tan pap, zac tan pap,
      ix kan tacay u cħicħil kan dzul mo
rb053.005 ix kan tacay u cħicħil, ix kan dzul moo u na
rb057.007 ix kan tacay, ix kan dzul moo u na
rb059.015 ix kan tacay u cħicħil, ix kan dzul moo u na

Kan takin cam) kantakin: oro.

Kan tan mo
rb103.012 ek tan mo, kan tan mo chee

Kan tan pixoy
f188 culic kan tan pixoy, kan xib yuy, kan oyal mut

Kan te mo nel) acacia angustissima (miller) kuntze - legum.: kantemo, kantebo, nohchucum, xax, uaxim (?). - med.

Kan te vns) Árbol de cuias rrayçes sacan el color amarillo: kan te.

Kan tenel ahau
f235 ca cumlahi kan tenel ahau, ah ten pop, ah ten dzam

Kan thilix nel) acacia farnesiana (l.) willd. - legum.: kankilixche (aroma), kankirixche, kanthilix, kanthirix, zubin, zubinche, xkanthilix, xkanthirix.

Kan thirix nel) acacia farnesiana (l.) willd. - legum.: kankilixche (aroma), kankirixche, kanthilix, kanthirix, zubin, zubinche, xkanthilix, xkanthirix.

Kan thiriz ebl) acacia farnesiana l. kan-kiliz-che, x-kanthiriz, x-kantiriz, kan-tix.

Kan thixal ti tun db) jade.
mts) piedra preciosa: tun; v yaxil tun; ah kan thixal ti tun.

Kan thul nel) nissolia fruticosa jacq. - legum.: box-ak, kanauul, kanthuul -- mel.

Kan tin nel) centrosema virginianum (l.) benth - legum.: kantin, kantzin (zapatito de la reina, zapatito de la virgin). nel) phaseolus elegans piper - legum.: kantin, kantzin.

Kan tiriz ebl) acacia farnesiana l. kan-kiliz-che, x-kanthiriz, x-kantiriz, kan-tix.

Kan tix ebl) acacia farnesiana l. kan-kiliz-che, x-kanthiriz, x-kantiriz, kan-tix.

Kan tix: vnos arboles espinosos de florcitas redondas y amarillas. (mtm)

Kan tixal ebm) it is interesting to note that kantixal means a gem worn on the breast.
j004 bay u tacuntabal ah kan tixal ti tune

Kan tixal: (ver: kan (ah—) tixal ti tun). (sfm)

Kan tok: grillo (otro tipo). (sfm)

Kan toppen: campo florido amarillo. (sfm)

Kan toppol can
Roys/Bac/121: Kan-toppol-can ("yellow-budding-shoot"). I do not find this name elsewhere; but here it is associated with a number of known trees. It is cited in an incantation for a worm in the tooth (MS p. 168).
rb168.001 boh boh ti ix kan toppol can, boh boh ti chacah

Kan tumbub nel) sanvitalia procumbens lam. - compo.: kantumbub, xkantumbub (ojo de gallo, sanguinaria) -- med.

Kan tun bub ebm) x-kantunbub. sanvitalia procumbens. lit. yellow canopy. this plant has the same virtues as the yerba de la golondrina, ahpakunpak.
mts) Arbol cuyas hojas estrujadas o su zumo a semejante en virtud a la yerua que se llama ix kan tun bub; dizese chacah. mts) Yerua admirablemente buena para heridas y contra ponçoña: ix kan tun bub.
nel) sanvitalia procumbens lam. - compo.: kantumbub, xkantumbub (ojo de gallo, sanguinaria) -- med.
vns) ix kan tun bub: yerua de muchas birtudes y contra cámaras de sangre, cuio çumo, aplicado o puesto ha heridas con sangre, sirue de lo que el bálsamo, y la oja, aplicada a inchaçones y desconzertaduras de guesos, lo cura todo. vns) Ala o elenio, yerba de muchas birtudes y contra camaras de sangre, cuyo çumo, aplicado o puesto a heridas con sangre, sirbe de lo que el bálsamo, y la oja, aplicada a inchaçones y desconzertaduras de guesos, lo cura todo: ix kan tun bub. vns) Helenia, yerua de grandes virtudes: ix kan tun bub. vns) Yeruas para restañar sangre: likintan, hatz, ix kan tun bub.
mr092.003 u motz canchacche, u motz kan mucuy che
      yetel x- kan tun bub
mr093.003 ca a cħa kanchikin che, kan tun bub,
      kan mucuy che, yetel yotoch kanal

Kan tunlah vinic: hombre o muger amarillos de rostro por alguna enfermedad. (mtm)

Kan tzahen vns) Ateriçiado en el color: kan tzahen, kan pilen. Neut[r]o: kan tzaenhal.

Kan tzahenhal vns) Ateriçiado en el color: kan tzahen, kan pilen. Neut[r]o: kan tzaenhal.

Kan tzic mex mtm) ah kan tzic mex: barbirubio, o barbiroxo.

Kan tzin nel) centrosema virginianum (l.) benth - legum.: kantin, kantzin (zapatito de la reina, zapatito de la virgin). nel) phaseolus elegans piper - legum.: kantin, kantzin.

Kan tzohen: rojo, vermejo. (sfm)

Kan Uayab Haab
Landa/Rel/63-66: Para celebrar la solemnidad del año nuevo, este gente, con mas regocijo y mas dignamente, segun su desventurada opinion, tomaba los cinco dias aciagos que ellos tenian por tales antes del dia primero de su nuevo año y en ellos hacian muy grandes servicios a los bacabes citados arriba y al demonio al que llamaban por otros cuatro nombres, a saber, Kanuuayayab (kan uayab haab), Chacuuayayab (chac uayab haab), Zacuuayayab (zac uayab haab), Ekuuayayab (ek uayab haab); y acabados estos servicios y fietas, y lanzado de si, como veremos, el demonio, comenzaban su año nuevo. . . .
El año cuya letra dominical era Kan, era del aguero Hobnil, y segun ellos decian reinaban por la parte del medio dia. Esta año, pues, hacian una imagen o figura hueca de barro del demonio que llamaban Kanuuayayab, y llevabanla a los montones de piedra seca que tenian hechos por la parte del mediodia;

Kan xaan nel) terminalia amazonia (gmelin) exell - combr.: kanxaan.

Kan xib yuy
f188 culic kan tan pixoy, kan xib yuy, kan oyal mut

Kan Xib Chac db) an alternative name for one of the bacabs, the four deities stationed at the four world-quarters. They were sky bearers and apparently had other functions as well. The bacabs are also related to the four days which begin the Mayan year, Kan, Muluc, Hiix, and Cauac, which in turn are related to the four world directions. The bacabs have various alternative names which are as follows: for the year Kan (to the east): Ah Can Tzic Nal, Chacal Bacab, Chac Pauahtun, Chac Xib Chac; for the year Muluc (to the north): Ah Zac Dziu, Zacal Bacab, Zac Pauahtun, Zac Xib Chac; for the year Hiix (to the west): Ah Can Ek, Ekel Bacab, Ek Pauahtun, Ek Xib Chac; for the year Cauac (to the south): Hobnil, Kan Bacab, Kan Pauahtun, Kan Xib Chac. However, in the Landa discussion below it will be noted that Kan is aligned with the south / yellow, Muluc is aligned with east / red, Hiix is aligned with the north / white, and Cauac is aligned with the west / black. This shift in alignment is probably due to the fact that Landa mistakenly placed the Kan (yellow) deities in the year Kan, and thus shifted all the year bearers clockwise one quadrant.
Landa/Rel/62-63: La primera, pues, de las letras dominicales es Kan (Cauac). El año que esta letra servía era el agüero del Bacab que por otros nombres llaman Hobnil, Kanalbacab (Kanal Bacab), Kanpauahtun (Kan Pauahtun), Kanxibchac (Kan Xib Chac). A este le señalaban a la de medio día. La segunda letra es Muluc (Kan); señalabanla al oriente y su año era agüero del Bacab que llaman Canzienal (Ah Can Tzic Nal), Chacalbacab (Chacal Bacab), Chacpauahtun (Chac Pauahtun), Chacxibchac (Chac Xib Chac). La tercera letra es Ix (Muluc). Su año era agüero del Bacab que llaman Zaczini (Ah Zac Dziu?), Zacalbacab (Zacal Bacab), Zacpauahtun (Zac Pauahtun), Zacxibchac (Zac Xib Chac) y señalabanle a la parte del norte. La cuatra letra es Cauac (Hiix): su año era agüero del Bacab que llaman Hozanek (Ah Can Ek?, Ah Ho Chan Ek?), Ekelbacab (Ekel Bacab), Ekpauahtun (Ek Pauahtun), Ekxibchac (Ek Xib Chac); a esta señalaban a la parte del poniente.
h097 ca colabi u canhel kan xib chac

Kan xoc ebm) ah-kan-xoc. globicephalus melas. pilot or caaing whale. g. brachypterus. short-finned blackfish. lit. yellow haunch.

Kan yikal: abejorro que mata la víbora. (sfm)

Kan zac xiu nel) malpighia glabra l. - malpi.: boxuayacte, chi, kan-ibinche, cibche, (?), kanzacxiu, zipche (nancen) --b. est., com., curt., med., rit.
nel) sida glabra miller - malva.: kanzacxiu.

Kan zahil xiu nel) hentya yucatanensis happ. - acant.: kanzahilxiu, xibkuub.

Kan zin ebl) phaseolus elegens piper. kan-zin, kanal-zin.
nel) lonchocarpus rugosus benth. - legum.: kanalzin, kanantzin, kanazin, kanatzin, kanzin, kanziin -- mel.

Kan zinan vns) Alacrán bermejo muy ponçoñoso: kan çinan.

Kan zinkin nel) caesalpinia pulcherrima (l.) swartz - legum.: chaczikin, chaczinkin, kanzinkin, zikin, xicib (flor de camaron, guacamayo) -- med.

Kanaan db) necessary. See also kanan.
ems) necesario: kan-an, hah, hach, hal.
vns) Conbenir o ser necess[ari]o: yan u nah, yan u uilal, kanaan u uilal. Conbiene que dexes tus pecados: u nah a ppatic a çipil. Conbenir o per[t]eneçer: nah.

Kanaan u uilal vns) Conbenir o ser necess[ari]o: yan u nah, yan u uilal, kanaan u uilal. Conbiene que dexes tus pecados: u nah a ppatic a çipil. Conbenir o per[t]eneçer: nah.

Kanab db) modern pronunciation of kaknab = sea, ocean. See kaknab.
crm) yikil ha: 2,4,5: ave o animalejo de agua o laguna. yikil kaknab: 6; yikel kanab: 8: ave, sabandija o gusanillos de la mar.
ebm) kaknab: sea.
nel) caesalpinia vesicaria l. - legum.: toxob, toxob-ek, yaxkixkanab, yaaxkiixkanab -- med., tint.

Kanac nel) Alchornea latifolia Swartz - eupho.: kanac (canaco).

Kanach cam) kanach: antepuesta a los verbos denota estar a punto.

Kanach: antepuesta a algunos verbos; a punto estar. ¶ kanach benen castilla tilob: a punto estoy de yrme a castilla sino que ettz. ¶ kanach hadzen ti Juan: estoy a punto de açotar a Juan. ¶ kanach cimil in cah: a punto estoy de morirme. (mtm)

Kanach; zidz ach; zidz; huul ol: deseoso, estar a punto de hacer algo. ¶ kanach hanalen ti lob: deseoso estoy de comer. (sfm)

Kanacnac u boc; tapacnac u boc; zamanac u boc: tener buen olor. (sfm)

Kanacnac: cosa que se va sazonando como frutas y maizes. ¶ kanacnac v boc: cosa que huele mucho y olor assi. (mtm)

Kanal Acantun
Landa/Rel/64: Otros derramaban sangre cortandose las orejas y untaban con ella una piedra que alli tenian de demonio (llamado) Kanalacantun.

Kanal Ahau
Roys/Bac/154: Kanal Ahau ("yellow lord"). Cited in an incantation for an obstruction of the breathing passages (kal cab) (MS p. 194).
rb194.004 tunx ten bacin a than chacal ahau, zacal ahau,
      ekel ahau, kanal ahau

Kanal Bacab db) One of the bacabs, the four deities stationed at the four world-quarters. They were sky bearers and apparently had other functions as well. The bacabs are also related to the four days which begin the Mayan year, Kan, Muluc, Hiix, and Cauac, which in turn are related to the four world directions. The bacabs have various alternative names which are as follows: for the year Kan (to the east): Ah Can Tzic Nal, Chacal Bacab, Chac Pauahtun, Chac Xib Chac; for the year Muluc (to the north): Ah Zac Dziu, Zacal Bacab, Zac Pauahtun, Zac Xib Chac; for the year Hiix (to the west): Ah Can Ek, Ekel Bacab, Ek Pauahtun, Ek Xib Chac; for the year Cauac (to the south): Hobnil, Kan Bacab, Kan Pauahtun, Kan Xib Chac. However, in the Landa discussion below it will be noted that Kan is aligned with the south / yellow, Muluc is aligned with east / red, Hiix is aligned with the north / white, and Cauac is aligned with the west / black. This shift in alignment is probably due to the fact that Landa mistakenly placed the Kan (yellow) deities in the year Kan, and thus shifted all the year bearers clockwise one quadrant.
Landa/Rel/62-63: La primera, pues, de las letras dominicales es Kan (Cauac). El año que esta letra servía era el agüero del Bacab que por otros nombres llaman Hobnil, Kanalbacab (Kanal Bacab), Kanpauahtun (Kan Pauahtun), Kanxibchac (Kan Xib Chac). A este le señalaban a la de medio día. La segunda letra es Muluc (Kan); señalabanla al oriente y su año era agüero del Bacab que llaman Canzienal (Ah Can Tzic Nal), Chacalbacab (Chacal Bacab), Chacpauahtun (Chac Pauahtun), Chacxibchac (Chac Xib Chac). La tercera letra es Ix (Muluc). Su año era agüero del Bacab que llaman Zaczini (Ah Zac Dziu?), Zacalbacab (Zacal Bacab), Zacpauahtun (Zac Pauahtun), Zacxibchac (Zac Xib Chac) y señalabanle a la parte del norte. La cuatra letra es Cauac (Hiix): su año era agüero del Bacab que llaman Hozanek (Ah Can Ek?, Ah Ho Chan Ek?), Ekelbacab (Ekel Bacab), Ekpauahtun (Ek Pauahtun), Ekxibchac (Ek Xib Chac); a esta señalaban a la parte del poniente.

Kanal can cam) kanalcan: serpiente.

Kanal ebm) kanpetkin, or kanal. an insect resembling the holon, yellow and larger. their nest are constructed in a round flat shape.
Roys/Bac/135: Kanal. Described by E. May as a large red wasp, living a few to a small nest (letter, E. W. Andrews). Cited in an incantation for kanpetkin-wasp-seizure (MS pp. 48, 54, 55).
Roys/Bac/135: Kan-dzul-mo ("yellow-foreign-macaw"). Not found elsewhere, but apparently a synonym of the kan-dzul-oop. The latter is a short-tailed macaw abounding in Tabasco (Beltrán de Santa Rosa, Arte de el idioma maya, 229; Seler, Gesammelte Abhandlungen, IV, 552). The kan-dzul-mo is cited in an incantation for kanpetkin-wasp-seizure (MS pp. 47, 50-54, 59).
h035 kanal pucte u cheob
mr012.003 dzezcaat, zutup, kanal zin, coc che, yetel hokab
mr019.006 ppelexcuch, zactah, tok aban, holol, chacah,
      zutup, kanal zin,
mr058.002 he tu chibal uinic tumen kan pet kin,
      kanal ulak u kabae
mr093.003 ca a cħa kanchikin che, kan tunbub,
      kan mucuy che, yetel yotoch kanal
mr231.006 yetel yotoch kanal yetel yotoch tupchac
mr286.003 ca ma lab le chachochene yetel u yotoch kanal
mr363.002 caxant u pak xux yetel h- kanal
      yetel x- chamalkin
mr373.005 yotoch kanal zibil na u habale xux yetel yal xux
rb048.007 kan pet kin tancaze, chacal kanale,
      chacal tup chace, chacal xanab chace
rb054.001 chacal kanale, chacal tup chace,
      chacal xanab chace
rb055.010 chacal kanale, chacal tup chace,
      chacal xanab chace
rb085.014 ekel kan pet kin, kanal kan pet kin
rb138.010 zam in cocinech ta che,
      ta uaban cech chacal kanale
rb177.006 taba cech chacal kanale, zacal kanale
rb207.016 in chopayte chacal huke, zacal huke, ekel huke,
      kanal huke
rb208.013 chacal zay, zacal zay, ekel zay, kanal zay

Kanal Itzam Na
Roys/Bac/154: Kanal Itzam-na ("yellow Itzamna"). Associated with Kanal Ix Chel. Cited in an incantation for a pathology of the breathing passages (u ziyan coc) (MS p. 79). See Itzam-na.
rb079.010 can kin ix bin cu lothic u uich kanal itzam na

Kanal Ix Chel
Roys/Bac/154: Kanal Ix Chel ("yellow Ix Chel"). Only in this manuscript have I found a yellow aspect of this goddess. Sacal ("white") Ix Chel and Chacal ("red") Ix Chel are more familiar figures, both in colonial Maya literature and in the codices. Kanal Ix Chel is cited in an incantation for a pathology of the breathing passages (u ziyan coc) (MS pp. 65, 79, 81). Associated with Itzamna, a rain god.
rb065.003 can kin cu lothic u uich chacal ix chel,
      zacal ix chel, kanal ix chel
rb079.009 can kin ix bin cu lothic u uich kanal ix chel
rb081.003 ekel ix chel, ix kanal ix chel

Kanal mac db) apparently some sort of game.
mts) Enfadar como comida: nac. ¶ Vt: v nacahen hanal; v nacmaen baxal kanal mac: dame enfado o hastio o fastidio la comida.

Kanal tzin nel) lonchocarpus rugosus benth. - legum.: kanalzin, kanantzin, kanazin, kanatzin, kanzin, kanziin -- mel.

Kanal zin ebl) phaseolus elegens piper. kan-zin, kanal-zin.
nel) lonchocarpus rugosus benth. - legum.: kanalzin, kanantzin, kanazin, kanatzin, kanzin, kanziin -- mel.

Kanalzin nel) calliandra houstoniana (miller) standley - legum.: kanalzin, kanzin. nel) lonchocarpus rugosus benth. - legum.: kanalzin, kanantzin, kanazin, kanatzin, kanzin, kanziin -- mel.

Kanam cam) kanam: necesario.

Kanan db) necessary, dear, valuable.
ems) necesario: kan-an, hah, hach, hal. ems) precioso: kan-an. ems) valioso: cooh, kanan. vns) Conbenir o ser necess[ari]o: yan u nah, yan u uilal, kanaan u uilal. Conbiene que dexes tus pecados: u nah a ppatic a çipil. Conbenir o per[t]eneçer: nah.

Kanan ebl) hamelia erecta jacq. x-kanan, chac-tok. ebl) myrstiphylon horizontalis sav. yax-kanan. ebl) psychobotria undata jacq. yax-kanan.
ebm) zac-kanan. lit. white-kanan. kanan is hamelia erecta jacq.
ems) yerba: zuuc, kan-an, ac haban, bataban, ko.
nel) hamelia patens jacq. - rubia.: chactok, kanan, xkanan -- com., med.
Roys/Bac/127: Yax-kam. This name is not found elsewhere, and I suspect that yax-kanan is meant (cf. P.P., 1898). Kanan is Hamelia patens, Jacq., a shrub or small tree. The "yax-toc" (yax-tok, "fresh-flint") is reported as a synonym for the yax-kanan (Standl.). The "yax-kam" is cited in an incantation for chipping a flint point (MS p. 197).
c039 tu than ah bolon yocte yetel ah bolon kanan
mr019.007 zahom, x- kanan, habin, taman, payhul, buhum kak,
      chichibe, zamchac,
mr027.005 kanan yetel u yoyol ni pichi cu haual kuxlacil
mr062.004 akab xiu, itzimte, zac tab can, chachac kanan
mr117.002 ua tu manez kik mix kanan ha,
      chococint hunppel mazcab
mr120.004 matech u nohochtal le xiu,
      olah bay u le chichibe, bay kanan kik u tane
mr123.047 cu manzic kanan kik
mr142.006 x- kanan, zac chichibe, x- catzcabna, kutz aban
mr161.004 yetel yax kanan yetel hatz
      yetel u le zac bacel can
mr214.013 chiople, chalche, pakal, hun lapp x- kanan,
      mizib coc yetel laal much
mr287.004 yetel u le yaxnic, u le ppelexcuch, u le puc ak,
      zac kanan,
mr299.003 cħabac chac mo ak, buul ak, netab,
      x- mahan chun, yax kanan, xaan
mr328.003 ca hucħuc yetel u boxel
      yetel telchacil x- kanan,
mr369.003 chac nenen u bin u yail, kanan kik cu hokol
      hetuux cu zacal yoxele
rb153.001 ix kanan chacal puc ak, zacal puc ak,
      ekel puc ak, kanal puc ak
rb197.007 bal tun bacin in halal yax kam

Kanan ti; coh cinah: estimar, preciar mucho. (sfm)

Kanan tu uich; hach cooh tu uich: tener en mucho. (sfm)

Kanan tzin nel) lonchocarpus rugosus benth. - legum.: kanalzin, kanantzin, kanazin, kanatzin, kanzin, kanziin -- mel.

Kanan u uilal vns) Conbenir o ser necess[ari]o: yan u nah, yan u uilal, kanaan u uilal. Conbiene que dexes tus pecados: u nah a ppatic a çipil. Conbenir o per[t]eneçer: nah.

Kanan u uilal: muy necesario. (sfm)

Kanan v uil; kanan v uilal:} conuenir y ser necessario. ¶ kanan v uilal ca benel Cumkal: es necessario que vamos a Cumkal. ¶ kananen tu uil in benel: conuieneme, es necessario yrme. ¶ kananen tu uil .l. kananen tu uilal in col: soy necessario en mi milpa; que no vale nada sin mi. ¶ mech kanan tu uil .l. mech kanan tu uilal a col: no eres necessario a tu milpa. (mtm)

Kanan: cosa necessaria, preciosa, y muy estimada, y tenian en mucho. ¶ kanan in conol vaye: vendese aqui muy bien mi hazienda; estimase en mucho. ¶ ma kanan v payal chi ah kebanob tu uich dios: no es preciosa la oracion de los pecadores en los ojos de Dios. ¶ men kanan tin mehenob yetel tin cħuplil: me tienen en nada; no me estiman mis hijos, mi muger; pareceles que no les soy necessario. (mtm)

Kanan: la yerba de Cuba. (sfm)

Kanan: la yerua o mata que llaman de Cuba. Es marauillosa para hinchaçones de piernes, cozida y puesta sobre lo hinchado y labadas blandamente las piernas con el agua sin enxugarlas con paño. (mtm)

Kanan; cooh: precioso, necesario. ¶ ma kananen tu uich u icham: tespiecióme mi marido. (sfm)

Kanancunah: preciar, estimar, y tener en mucho. ¶ kanancunex v than Dios: estimad en mucho la palabra de dios. (mtm)

Kananhal: hazerse precioso y de estima. (mtm)

Kanatzin nel) lonchocarpus rugosus benth. - legum.: kanalzin, kanantzin, kanazin, kanatzin, kanzin, kanziin -- mel.

Kanauul nel) nissolia fruticosa jacq. - legum.: box-ak, kanauul, kanthuul -- mel.

Kanazin nel) lonchocarpus rugosus benth. - legum.: kanalzin, kanantzin, kanazin, kanatzin, kanzin, kanziin -- mel.

Kanazte nel) sideroxylon gaumeri pittier - sapot.: kanazte, zubul (ebano amarillo, caracolillo) -- chi.

Kanben db) See kamben above.
vns) Landre que mata con pestilencia: kanben yaah.

Kanbul ebm) kanbul. Crax globicera. Curassow.
ems) faisan: mut, kan bul.
k027 ua yanal u kukmelil chan ix kook ua chan kanbul

Kanbul: faisan, aue grande y hermosa que suelen criar los indios. (mtm)


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