Image - Cacao Pod Vessel - K6706 © Justin Kerr FAMSI © 2001:
David Bolles
  Combined Dictionary–Concordance of the Yucatecan Mayan Language
Update posted 2-20-04

Tanba – Tankin

Tanba cam) tamba: entre si mismos, unos a otros. cam) batanba: uno a otro entre ellos mismos. tu batambaob.
crm) yacunahba, yacunah tanba, yatanba: amarse unos a otros y amor asi reciproco. amarse a si mismo.
mtm) ah zacach keytanba: renzillosos que riñen entre si unos con otros. mtm) ah kux lum tanbaob: enemigos, enemistados. mtm) ah nocoltanbaob: enemigos. mtm) ah tactanba: entremetido bullicioso.
vns) Acosearse los caballos con las manos: lox tanba. vns) Açotarse o deceplinarse uno: hadz ba, hadzlam tamba. vns) Acuchillarse con otro: hadz tanba .l. lom tanba. vns) Alan[ç]arse unos a otros: lomlomol, lom tanba. vns) Apedrearse unos a otros, y apedrearse así: cħinil cħin, cħinil cħin tan ba. vns) Besarse uno a otro: mektanba. Besándose estaban quando los bi: mektanba u cahob, ca uilahob cuchi .l. lic u mekic u batanbaob, ca uilahob cuchi. vns) Brama, el tiempo que los benados andan en çelo: u kinil u baxal ceh, u kinil u tzayomal ceh, u kinil cehektanbaob ceh. vns) Caridad, por amor: yail, yacunah. Dios es caridad, y el que está en la caridad está en Dios, y Dios está con él: yacunahi Dios, hex himac yan ti yacunahe ti Dios, yan tix yan Dios icnal xan. Caridad unos con otros: yacunah tanba, yail tanba. vns) Comunicarse unos con otros: nath ba tan ba. No se comunican [unos con otros]: matan u nath u ba tan ba. vns) Contraria ser una cosa de otra entre sí: u nup uba, u nup uba tanba. Dos contrarios no se allan en un sujeto: he ca tzuc ti babal u nup bae, ma uchac u hunppelhal u cuchil.
a122 ca tu machah u kab tu batanbaobe
c 013.024 ma ix hach yaab dzibaan tu cuch
      u keban thanoob tuba tanbaob
c 014.001 ma concon u keban than u cibahoob tuba tanbaobe

Tancab 1) cam) tancab: fuera de casa, en lo exterior de ella, patio o solar. cam) tancabil: afuera, fuera del techo.
mtm) Tancab: fuera. ¶ Te yan tancabe: alla esta fuera.
vns) Açaguan: u tancabal na. vns) Corte, o lugar do esta el rey: u tancabal ahau. vns) Cortesano que sigue la corte: tancabal uinic.
d285 ca xic nak tancab, nak pocche
d405 bin culacoob nak cot, nak tancab
i120 okom oltzilhom, okom bulcum
      tan chumuc tancab yicnal ah al meheniloob
td405 bin culanob nak cot nak tancab

Tancab 2) mtm) Tancab: la milpa o heredad dentro del pueblo o junto a el.

Tancabal mtm) Tancabal: delantera o patio o portal o çaguan o recebimiento o sala donde parlan antes de entrar en los aposentos. ¶ v tancabal yotoch ku: el patio de la yglesia. ¶ v tancabal na: el patio, portal, o delantera de la casa, o el çaguan o recebimiento donde parlen. mtm) Tancabal: el corral, herreñal, o pertenencia que siembran los indios que esta junto y alrededor de su casa.
vns) Açaguan: u tancabal na. vns) Corte, o lugar do esta el rey: u tancabal ahau. vns) Cortesano que sigue la corte: tancabal uinic.
i262 ti cheehlic tu tancabal; hiii

Tancabal ahau vns) Corte, o lugar do esta el rey: u tancabal ahau.

Tancabal col: guiñon o milpa cerca de la cruz del pueblo. (mtm)

Tancabal na vns) Açaguan: u tancabal na.

Tancabal uinic vns) Cortesano que sigue la corte: tancabal uinic.

Tancabil cam) tancabil: afuera, fuera del techo.
mtm) Tancabil .l. tancab: fuera. ¶ Tohlabi tancabil: fue echado fuera. ¶ v tancabil yotoch ku: el patio de la yglesia.
vns) Açaguan: u tancabal na.

Tancabil vinic: hombre cortesano. (mtm)

Tancah db) see tan cah above.
cam) tan: en medio. tan cah, tan be, tankin: al sol, tan: contra. tu tan pak a chine: contra la pared &. you throw it.
c444 uay ual tu xaman cab, tu nohol cab, uay tancah mayapan
d509 u tancah mol boxtic u katunil buluc ahau uale
e073 ualac u talel tancah maya patan tu chi cħeen itza
j363 ualac uil itza, ualac uil tancahe yume
      u chicul hunab ku caanal

Tancaz 1) db) seizure.
cam) nunil tankaz: pasmo, enferedad. cam) tamcaz: frenesí. vease tamacazil. cam) tamacazil: frenesí.
mtm) ah poou: camino de sanctiago. tamcaz.
rp315 tancaz mo iko ti mozon iko
mr064.030 tokbil u haubal tzitz mo tancaz
      yetel az mo tancaz yalabal
mr124.013 hun tzel oc mehen zicil, can dzit tancaz ic
mr130.006 caxbalac cheil yetel can dzit tancaz ic
mr330.006 yetel chac dzan, chac leum ak, x- tancaz che
mr338.002 hucħe u hokol tancaz che bay u bac yakba,
      x- chuyche,
rb033.012 thaneex ox tezcun tancaze
rb036.012 chiuoh kik, chiuoh kak, chiuoh tancaz
rb039.012 thaneex to ox tezcun tancaze
rb042.012 lay oc tu zac tub chiuoh tancaze
rb044.012 can kin cu zut ocaan bacin pakal tech
      cech u coil tancaze
rb047.012 yal bin ah ci tancaz ca tu zihi tan yol caan
rb053.012 ti ul bacin kan pet kin tancaz
rb101.005 u pedzil kakoob, chacuil tancazoob blae

Tancaz 1a) db) types of seizure:
db) oo tancaz: not definitely defined. However ah oo tancaz is closely related with ah ci tancaz (drunkard-seizure: Roys/Bac/21) and ah co tancaz (madness-seizure: Roys/Bac/21).
Arz/Bac/605: Oo Tancaz: Frenesí-abrasador.
Roys/Bac/18: oo-bird-seizure.
Roys/Bac/129: Balam. Jaguar, Felis hernandesii goldmani, Mearns. The word appears only in an element of the names of certain so-called seizures (tancaz). Here the jaguar is apparently a symbol of the violent behavior of the patient (MS pp. 4, 10). Balam was a term formerly applied to town priests and officials, and today, to certain protective spirits (Roys, Ethno-Botany, 328; Redfield and Villa, Chan Kom, 113-14).
Roys/Bac/131: Ah ceh. Ceh means "deer," but ah ceh is defined as "hunter" (Motul Dict.). It is an element in the name of a complaint named ah-ceh-tancas (hunter-seizure).
Roys/Bac/132: Chab-can ("anteater-snake"). Found only as a part of the names of a disorder called chab-can-tancas ("anteater-snake-seizure"). Cited in an incantation for jaguar-macaw-seizure (MS p. 7). Chab, which can also mean "scruf," is an element in several plant names.
Roys/Bac/135: Ix kantanen-kin ("yellow-colored-kin-insect"). Probably the same as the ix kantanen described by Jacinto Cunil, who states that it is a caterpillar covered by "como plumas de gallina," not spines. It is round and about two inches long (letter, J. E. S. Thompson). Cited in an incantation for kanpetkin-seizure (MS pp. 47, 48, 50, 51, 54, 56, 60).
Roys/Bac/135: Ix kantanen-u ("yellow-colored-moon"). Since kin can also mean "sun," this might be a poetic fiction to contrast with Ix kantanen-kin. Nevertheless, such a contrast does actually exist in the plant names, like pet-kin ("round-sun") and pet-u ("round-moon") (Roys, Ethno-Botany, 275; Motul Dict., Span.-Maya). The latter item is "yerba trepidora para dolor de muelas." The kantanen-u is cited in incantations for kanpetkin-seizure and ulcers (MS pp. 47, 48, 50, 51, 54, 56, 60, 107).
Roys/Bac/137: Mo. A general name for a large macaw (Seler, Gesammelte Abhandlung, IV, 552). In this manuscript it usually appears in compounds. The expression mo-tancas ("macaw-seizure") indicates a feature of various complaints, including convulsions and aberrations (MS pp. 6, 10, 24, 25, 46). The macaw is cited in incantations for hunpedzkin-vein or -seizure, eruptions, and to charm a scorpion (MS pp. 96, 103, 160).
On a high pyramid at Izamal was a shrine and an idol named Kin-ich-kak-mo ("sun-eye-fire-macaw"), and here at midday a macaw flew down and consumed the sacrifices with fire. Whenever there was a pestilence or great mortality, many people came bringing offerings (Lizana, Historia de Yucatán, f. 4v). Also a macaw bearing a flamming torch is portrayed on page 40b of the Dresden Codex, apparently as a symbol of drought (Thompson, Maya Hieroglyphic Writing: An Introduction, 270).
In the Kaua manuscript is a picture of a macaw astride a snake, entitled Am-can-mo-ik-tancas ("spider-snake-macaw-wind-seizure"). Here apparently the macaw is likened to the am-can, a certain poisonous spider that fights vipers (Motul Dict.).
In spite of the Kaua passage, today the "macaw-seizure" spirits are not considered winds. The are still believed to be death-dealing birds that kill children. Flying over house, they vomit a substance which drops into the sleeper's mouth and causes death. The soul of an unbaptized child becomes a mo-tancas (Redfield and Villa, Chan Kom, 169). Nevertheless, it must be admitted that some of the modern evil winds (ik) are ascribed to the noun macaw or to tancas ("seizure"). We are told of the bird of the high forest (Pacheco Cruz, Diccionario de la fauna yucateca, 232). There is also a tancas-ik, which I would translate as "seizure-wind" (Redfield and Redfield, "Disease and Its Treatment in Dzitas, Yucatán," 62).
rb047.011 yal bin oo tancaz
rb050.007 yal bin ah oo tancaz ca zihi
rb054.006 yal bin ah ci tancaz, ah oo tancaz
rb057.004 yal ah oo tancaz ca zihi
rb060.003 yal bin ah oo tancaz ca zihi

Tancaz 1b) db) in deity names:
Roys/Bac/145: Ix Co-tancaz-ek) ("lady mad-seizure-star" or "tumor"). Cited in an incantation for a certain seizure (balam mo tancaz) (MS p. 8).
rb008.004 u lubul bin icnal ix co tancaz ek,
      can kin chilan icnal ix co tancaz ek

Tancaz 2) db) temperate, moderate. See also tamcaz.
crm) tancazil: 7: templadamente.

Tancaz che ebm) tamcaz-che, or tancaz-che. zanthoxylum fagara (l.) sarg. prickly-ash. z. pterota l. a tree or shrub sometimes 30 feet high.
nel) zanthoxylum fagara (l.) sarg. - rutac.: tamcazche, tancazche, uol-le, xicche (palo espinoso) -- med.
Roys/Bac/125: Tancas-che ("seizure-tree"). Zanthoxylum Fagara (L.) Sarg. A medicinal tree of the coast, said to cure any disease, even buboes. On the northeast coast, it is called uole ("frog-leaf"?) (Motul Dict.). It is prescribed for skin complaints and fevers and convulsions (Roys, Ethno-Botany, 283). In British Honduras it is "a charm worn by nearly all the children," which "consists of a small cross of tancas-che-bark," and is a remedy for flatulence (Gann, "The Maya Indians . . . of Northern British Honduras," 19). It is cited in an incantation for jaguar-macaw-seizure (MS p. 6).
mr142.003 cħa x- bacalche, tamay, habin, chac ya,
      akab xiu, x- tamcaz che,
mr160.004 dzedzec yanil tu kin hahal,
      minaan ti yaxkin u tamcaz cheil chakan
mr330.006 yetel chac dzan, chac leum ak, x- tancaz che
mr338.002 hucħe u hokol tancaz che bay u bac yakba,
      x- chuyche,
rb005.008 ca ziheche taz a dzulbal
rb006.001 chacal tancaz che, zacal tancaz che,
      ekel tancaz che, kanal tancaz che

Tancaz coil cam) tamcazcoil: frenesi, locura.

Tancaz ic db) moderately hot chile, from tancaz = moderate and ic = chile.
mr080.045 hun tzel oc x- mehen zicil
      yetel can dzit tamcaz ic
mr124.013 hun tzel oc mehen zicil, can dzit tancaz ic
mr130.006 caxbalac cheil yetel can dzit tancaz ic

Tancazil 1) db) seizure, from tancaz = seizure and -il = attributive relationship. See tancaz.
rb001 xic u tancazil kohaan metnal
rb002 max u lukzic u tancazil
rb003 ten lukzic u tancazil tumen yan ten mactzil in lukzic
rb006 max u lukzic u tancazil
rb007 ten lukzic u tancazil
      tumen yan ten u mactzil in lukzic
rb054.010 oc bin ti xux tancazil u chi kaknab

Tancazil 2) db) temperately, moderately, from tancaz = temerate, moderate, and -il = attributive relationship.
crm) tancazil: 7: templadamente.

mr430.004 buul ceh, taceh, zacneceh, tzotzceh,
      ua ix tanceh yantac tu pach xaan

Tancelem mtm) Tancelem: mancebo de 25 años poco mas o menos.
sfm) Tancelem: mancebo.
d020 ah kaynom tancelem ah kaynom ix lokbayen
e562 u katun holcan, u katun tancelem
j279 uchaan tumen chee minaan tancelem
mr329.003 licil u yahpahal nuxiboob, tancelemoob,
      palaloob, cħuplaloob
t 042.028 yan bin cimicobi bin cimlahac ta tancelemobi
      ix tampamobi yetel palaobi

Tancelemhal mtm) Tancelemhal: hazerse desta edad.
sfm) Tancelemhal: mocear.

Tancelemil; celemal: mocedad. (sfm)

Tanche db) lit.: middle stick. A stick which reinforces the much = roof rafters at their midpoint.
sfm) Tancheil (u—) na: travesaño que ponen los indios encima de los horcones.
Red/ChacK/34: Across the tisera, at their midpoints, are fastened two slender horizontal pieces (capac); the ends of these in turn support two long poles (tanche) which lie above and parallel to the pachna.

Tanche nel) ardisia escallonioides cham. et schlechtendal - myrsi.: zacboxlub, tanche, xtanche, xooknum.

Tancheil (u—) na: travesaño que ponen los indios encima de los horcones. (sfm)

Tanchumuc db) in the middle, from tan = middle and chumuc = middle. See also tan chumuc.
cam) tanchumuc: en medio de dos extremos.
rh085 te tu tanchumuc zuhuy zaya cin bin
      ca cin uacacinba xan
rh111 cin bin ti zuhuy zaya xan tanchumuc xan
rh429 ti tanchumuc zuhuy luum ti tanchumuc zuhuy zaya
rp434 cilin culun cu than in yumil
      tanchumuc ti can titz muyaloob
mr165.022 ca tun a hokez bay hunppel tumin ppiz cabe
      tanchumuc yichcil kohaane
mr259.018 layli tu ppiz medio cab
      bin ppizbal yaalil tanchumuc

Tanchumucil db) the middle, from tanchumuc = middle and -il = nominal suffix.
rp175 tuux cu tzanchactic tulacal ikal metnalilo
      tu tanchumucil kin zuhuy kin
mr113.005 ca tahle ca a buh kupte u tanchumucil

mr429.007 tanco, tamku, yetel x- kan le cay, x- mahan chun,

Tancoch cam) caix: aunque sea. caix tancoch
ems) mitad: hau, tan coch. ems) medio, en: tan coch, hem.
mtm) Tancoch: la mitad, por medio, o lo medio assi. ¶ dza tancoch tooni: danos la mitad de esso. ¶ Tancoch in cħaahi: la mitad o lo medio tome. ¶ Item: cosa demediada como vasija que esta media. ¶ Tancoch v bal: demediada vasija. ¶ Tancoch v takinil v cuxtal: esta en la mitad de su vida; es de treinta años.
tancoch tu cappel lub: legua y media. ¶ Tancoch tu yoxppel lub: dos leguas y media.
tancoch buth: cosa medio llena y demediar la vasija, henchirla hasta medio. ¶ Tancoch a buthic ppul .l. tancochcin a buthic ppul: hinche el cantaro hasta la mitad.
tancoch kin be: media jornada.
tancoch paax na: casa medio caida.
vns) Almud o çelemín: Almud y medio: hunppel admud catat tancoch. vns) Aunque: caix. Aunque sea la mitad de mi rreino: caix tancochac uahaulil xan. vns) Cortar, sin golpe, alguna cosa por mitad: tancoch kup .t. Cortó su media capa s[an]t Martín, y dio la mitad a un pobre: u tancochkuptah u çuyem s[an]t Martin, ca u dzah tancoch tah numya. vns) Cuartilla de papel: xel u tancoch huun, tzil huun. Cuarto de legua: xel u tancoch lub. Un cuarto de legua ay de aquí al pueblo: xel u tancoch lub u tzaclabal cah uaye.
b581 hunil muluc; utz, ma lobi,
      kin tancochi, hahal tancochi
b589 hoil ben; utz, hahal, xaman caan, tancochi lob
b621 uaxacil muluc; utz, ma lobi, xaman caan tancochi
d468 tancoch katun utzi, tancoch ix ma utzi xani
d492 tancoch u cuch haabil utz; yanil u uah, yanil u yaal
d494 tancoch ix chactun numya
e565 tancoch katun utzi, tancoch katun lobi
j197 tancoch uinice, tub yan a cahal
mr024.004 ca cħabac bay hunppel tumin cab
      yetel tancoch onza pimienta de castilla
mr024.006 yetel tancoch ual kutz muxbil xan
mr080.007 ca chacac hun ppul yaalil ppiz u zappal tancoch
mr088.004 ca bin chace hunppel yaalil
      ua tancoch ppul ppiz u zappale
mr151.003 zizim, chalche, yetel tancoch onza hucħbil naba
mr234.004 ca dzabac bay tancoch medio yuke
mr252.005 ca a lukez u noy tancoch ca a dza ti chicix taan
mr259.015 bin ppizic tancoch medio cab tune cu dzabal ichil
mr259.024 layli ppizbile hebac tancoch ti
mr371.006 latulah u zappal latulah u dzappal
      tancoch cuartillo
mr376.008 tu pach yukice bay tancoch horae
      ca dzabac hunppel escudilla u kab pahal
mr419.003 hunppel libra ua hach manal yanile
      yetel tancoch librae
mr419.003 dzocaan ca tun a chace yetel tun tancoch ppul ha
mr422.003 ca cħabac hun lappi ca tun cici chac
      bay tancoch ppul yaalile
t 042.032 ca hatz u cah tuzi ix macan tancochi kin tancoche

Tancoch kup vns) Cortar, sin golpe, alguna cosa por mitad: tancoch kup .t. Cortó su media capa s[an]t Martín, y dio la mitad a un pobre: u tancochkuptah u çuyem s[an]t Martin, ca u dzah tancoch tah numya.

Tancochac vns) Aunque: caix. Aunque sea la mitad de mi rreino: caix tancochac uahaulil xan.

Tancochcinah: demediar alguna vasija, o tomar la mitad delo. (mtm)

Tancochhal: hazerse la mitad o demediarse la mitad. (mtm)

e752 tancochhom yan u uah, tancochhom yan u yaal
e753 tancochhom yan u templo ti yahaulil

Tancochil: aquella mitad. ¶ v tancochil v hanal: la mitad de su comida. (mtm)

t 043.004 lay u tozci u cħahaal kaknab
      ma tu cici pathal iximi tancochili

Tancun mtm) ah tancun uich ti padre tamuk u tzeec: vuelve el rostro al padre quando predica.
sfm) Tancun (ah -); paybecunah; dza tu tan: poner delante.

Tancun uich mtm) ah tancun uich ti padre tamuk u tzeec: vuelve el rostro al padre quando predica.

Tancunah mtm) ah tancunahba, ah tancunah ich: volver el rostro a alguna parte. mtm) ah tancunah than, ah tancunah u ben, u benel a than: habla con orden y con cierto.

Tancunah ich mtm) ah tancunahba, ah tancunah ich: volver el rostro a alguna parte.

Tancunah than mtm) ah tancunah than, ah tancunah u ben, u benel a than: habla con orden y con cierto.

Tancunah u ben mtm) ah tancunah than, ah tancunah u ben, u benel a than: habla con orden y con cierto.

Tancunahba mtm) ah tancunahba, ah tancunah ich: volver el rostro a alguna parte.

Tandzunun ebl) euphorbia sp. tan-dzunun.
mr095.033 yan hunppel xiu tandzunun
mr098.003 tandzunun, zabac nicte, zinanche, x- cacaltun,
      chac xicin che u dzacal
mr100.035 bay xan le xiu tandzunun
mr206.005 ua ca a dza u yich tandzunun ti,
      ua ca a dza hucħbil buul

rb209.004 chacal uah tane, zacal uah tane, ekel uah tane,
      kanal uah tane
rb209.008 chacal uah tane, zacal uah tane, ekel uah tane,
      kanal uah tane
rb210.001 chacal uah tane, zacal uah tane
rb210.004 con tun bacin ix tzutzub u bacel chacal uah tane

Tanhau cam) tanhau: la mitad de lo entero.

Tanhay cam) tanhay: pañuelo.

Tanhaz cam) tanhaz: la mitad del todo.

Tanhen; ah tan: lo que está delante. (sfm)

h129 ca tun kuchoob chikin dzonot; ti chikintanhi u uichobi

t 045.037 ma dzedz numya tanhi toon

d457 chikintanhom u pop, u dzam

-tanil cam) cintanil: herida reciente.

Tanil 1) db) of or pertaining to tan = ash.
vns) Çentella de fuego: u xicnil kak, u ppiliz kak. Quemose mi casa con una çentella: eli uotoch tumen u xicnil kak. Çentella muerta: u taanil kak, u taanil toc. Çentellar el fuego: ppiliz kak. A doquiera que ay fuego, luego çentellea: ua tab yan kak, ma xan u ppiliz.
mr010.008 ca toc u tanile ca dza ich vino
      ca dza yokol le tuux yan dolor
mr027.003 yetel dzedzec u tanil coc ak, u boxel kan coc
mr285.011 lic ix u dzabal u tanil lay xiu xanio
      mazic pocbili he
mr329.011 u lahun tzuc u tanil kuch
rb146.005 u uayazba u tanil chac bubul can, zac bubul can
rb148.003 he tun bacin chee chacal zuz u uayazba u tanil
rb151.006 tuux bacin oci tu uayazba u tanil a kak
      cech yax uinicil che

Tanil 2) ems) adelante: tan-il.
vns) Boca de estómago: u uich puc[ç]ikal, u puy tanil uinic.
i154 u mektanma u tzicilteiloob tu tanil yax halach uinic
i614 38; mehene, ca tun xicech a cħab noh xib
      yetel u xiuil tanil kaknabe
i616 he ix u xiuil tanil kaknabe, lay ix baue
k082 in yumileex, cin tal chen chinchin u tanil in uich
ra031 uay tu tanil le mesa de oro,
      uay tu tanil le can titzilobe
ra196 le baax cin katoltic uay tu tanil dios,
      uay tu hol u gloria
rq063 ti nohol tun a uil caanac tanil yumiloob xan
rq071 tuux yukil vino xolaan pix tanil tin uinicil yumen
rq100 in yumen in xolaan pix tanla acil uinicil in yum
rq112 tin xolaan pix tanil tin uocol a thanil kubic
      ti mesa dios yumbil

Tanil kak vns) Çentella de fuego: u xicnil kak, u ppiliz kak. Quemose mi casa con una çentella: eli uotoch tumen u xicnil kak. Çentella muerta: u taanil kak, u taanil toc. Çentellar el fuego: ppiliz kak. A doquiera que ay fuego, luego çentellea: ua tab yan kak, ma xan u ppiliz.

Tanil toc vns) Çentella de fuego: u xicnil kak, u ppiliz kak. Quemose mi casa con una çentella: eli uotoch tumen u xicnil kak. Çentella muerta: u taanil kak, u taanil toc. Çentellar el fuego: ppiliz kak. A doquiera que ay fuego, luego çentellea: ua tab yan kak, ma xan u ppiliz.

Taninah db) second form transitive taninic = to serve, from tan = in front of, and by extension to serve, and inah = transforming verbal suffix.
Roys/Chu/150: that they served Christianity. The translator is not familliar with this word. The translation given is based on its resemblance to tanlah, meaning to serve.
e152 tu taninah cristianoil

Taninte db) fourth form transitive of tanintic = put forward something, from tan = forward, in front of, and -intic, a transforming verbal suffix.
Roys/Prof/169: he will put forward his foot, the palm of his hand.
tc149 bin ual taninte yoc, u tan u kab,
      tumen u zidzbic uah u zidzbic ha

Tankaz 1) db) half-way, from tan = middle and kaz = bad.
cam) tankaz: dejar las obras a medios. v.g. tan kaz in dzib: quedo mi escritura a medias, o medio hacer.

Tankaz 2) db) incorrect spelling of tancaz = seizure. See tancaz.
cam) nunil tankaz: pasmo, enfermedad.

Tankazil db) moderately, half-way, from tan = middle, kaz = bad, and -il = adjectival suffix.
cam) tankazil: templadamente.

Tankin cam) tan: en medio. tan cah, tan be, tankin: al sol, tan: contra. tu tan pak a chine: contra la pared &. you throw it.


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